The Lie
Episode Written by Patricia Green & Tom Blomquist

swoon, swoon, swoon
An ultra-swoony moonlit late night encounter between the couple provides the excitement and makes for a heap of trouble.
What is going on here: Coming Soon!                 
The Details: Coming Soon!             
Best swoon moment: No contest! The late night moonlight rendezvous is by far one of the hottest moments between the couple in the entire series! At that moment when Christy's fingertips lightly touch MacNeill's forehead to brush that persistent curl back, the swooning could be heard from coast to coast. That whole scene bathed in moonlight is something else...there is a major sexual undercurrent in this scene that adds fuel to the fire when Bessie peeps on the couple and sees what she sees. And although nothing really happens, through the imagery in this scene, plenty happens symbolically.

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